Preparing for the future

Jess Jones is asking the community for contributions for the Time Capsule at the new 1st Ballan Scouts new hall. Photo – The Moorabool News
By Vanessa Parker
She is just 15 years old, a scout, and is asking for some community help.
Jess Jones is a Venturer with 1st Ballan Scouts, and is putting together a Time Capsule to coincide with the grand opening of the new Scout Hall in early June.
Ms Jones said she wants to get everyone involved with putting items into the capsule.
“The opening of the new hall is the perfect day to have items put into the capsule then, in 50-years from when it was sealed, we plan to open it on 4 June 2073,” she said.
“I am looking to have a variety of items for the capsule and call on the community to help out if they can.”
The teenager has some ideas of items for the community to donate, which include:
– Handwritten letters and personal messages and drawings.
– Documents containing information about Ballan and its history.
– Favourite recipes or packaging
– Prices of things your business provides and/or cost of attending activities and/or services.
– Menus.
– Writing about what the world is like at the moment.
– A letter to your future self.
– Photos of the community.
– Business cards.
“We will be limited on space so please keep items to a reasonable size,” Ms Jones said.
“I really just hope everyone gets involved in this community event and has some fun along the way.”
The official opening of the Scout Hall at 60 Inglis St Ballan, will take place on Sunday 4 June from 11am. A public BBQ will be held at 12 noon, with the formalities to take place at 1pm.
For further information about how or where to donate an item, please email [email protected] or contact Russell on 0429 701 261 or Tony on 0439 686 768.