Program to provide connection to carers

Working together: A course by Carers Victoria is providing opportunities for the region's carers to connect. Photo: FILE
CARERS Victoria is hosting a free four-week program about wellbeing and connection for the Moorabool region’s carers.
Beginning last Tuesday, the program is supported by North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network and aims to help carers build confidence and address challenges they may face.
“As opposed to a more passive engagement in [something] like a webinar, it’s very much a conversational type of group,” project and clinical coordinator Sarah Kovarik said.
“It’s a community for people to think more deeply about how they may better balance their needs with the people they care for.”
The course is open to carers located in Moorabool Shire who have not previously taken part in the program and consists of 90-minute group sessions.
Each session is facilitated by a mental health professional and group numbers are small.
“The topics really centre on ways in which isolation and connection impact on carer wellbeing,” Ms Kovarik said.
“It’s not just from a social perspective but also really looking at connection to self as well because carers often put themselves at the bottom of the priority list.
“If carers are burning out and unable to look after themselves then they in turn can’t provide that support for the people they care for.”
The University of Melbourne has conducted clinical evaluations on previous participants who have consented, and the outcomes of the program have been positive.
“What we’ve definitely seen from the stats is that the psychological distress is significantly decreased between pre and post,” Ms Kovarik said.
“What we hear from carers anecdotally is that it’s been invaluable in terms of taking little steps to make time for themselves and their own wellbeing.”
Carers Victoria has a rolling waitlist for people who would like to take part in the program.
To find out more, visit the Carers Victoria website.