Promise kept?

Ballan Recreation Reserve President Billy Smith, Mayor Paul Tatchell, Member for Buninyong Michaela Settle, Treasurer Tim Pallas and representatives of user-groups.
By Helen Tatchell
A political election promise has been confirmed in the State Budget that will see $3m injected into an ageing sporting facility.
The Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas confirmed the Redevelopment funding at a gathering at the Ballan Recreation Reserve, alongside Member for Buninyong Michaela Settle, Moorabool Mayor Cr Paul Tatchell and Council representatives and user group members, but don’t get too excited – the Treasurer was “just visiting” on his way to Ballarat and no announcement to when the funding or the project will begin, has been officially declared.
President of the Recreation Reserve Billy Smith said the pavilion and out-buildings were in dire need of a redevelopment.
“The current clubrooms and facilities were built in the 1970s, so this is fabulous news for a growing community like Ballan,” he said.
Mr Pallas said the great thing about being in public life is making promises and delivering on them.
“We promised 12-months ago, if elected, we would put this in place.
“Alongside Council and the seven-user groups, an enormous amount of work has been done to get to this stage.
“As a government we recognise the need to increase participating in sport, which brings together a lot of people and keeps communities together and engaged,” Mr Pallas said.
Bowling Club President Mick Conroy acknowledged the “great initiative” from State government.
“This brings Ballan in to the 21st-century and will encourage increased participation within the community, across all demographics,” he said.
Mr Pallas thanked Moorabool Council for their commitment to the project.
“Council has partnered with us, and this project shows what can happen when community groups lobby and work together with local and state governments.”
A media release from the Treasurer in May this year stated the $3m was to deliver a ‘major redevelopment of the Ballan Recreation Reserve’, no specifics have been forthcoming.
The release also stated, “this year’s Budget also includes $500,000 in funding for the 1st Ballan Scout Hall.”