Protestors see red
By Lachlan Ellis
There was a sign people are not happy about the overhead transmission line project last week, actually, lots of signs.
Last Tuesday marked the launch of a new CFA training centre for emergency service workers, but the first thing most attendees saw was not the facility, nor those who will be using it.
The bright red shirts and signs of around 50 members of the ‘Stop AusNet’s Towers’ protest group were an eye-catching sight, with the group gathering for a protest on either side of Ingliston Rd, Ballan.
A front-end loader, a tractor, and other farm equipment was parked on the side of the road near the new Central Highlands Volunteer Emergency Management Training Centre (VEMTC), with ‘Stop AusNet’s Towers’ and ‘Say No To Dans’ High Voltage Towers’ signs hanging off them.
The protestors hoped to speak with Emergency Services Minister Jaclyn Symes, and Member for Buninyong Michaela Settle, who both attended the opening ceremony.
However, Ms Symes and Ms Settle did not use the front entrance where the group gathered, they arrived through the back gate on Kerrins Lane.
Spokesperson for Stop AusNet’s Towers, Emma Muir, said the group was frustrated at not being able to speak with the politicians, but was still happy with how the protest went.
To read the full story – Simply click on the following link
in the 30 November 2021 edition
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