Providing $31k in funding
Pacific Hydro launched the Yaloak South Community Fund on 16 August, providing eligible community groups and not-for-profit organisations in the Mount Wallace, Beremboke, and Rowsley areas a chance to share in a $31,000 in benefits from the Yaloak South Wind Farm.
Pacific Hydro Stakeholder and Community Engagement Lead, Lucy Sinclair, said the company was looking forward to seeing what exciting projects the three communities would come up with this year.
“Community groups have done an amazing job in adapting their projects to provide communities with the support that’s been needed over these last few difficult years. Helping communities recover stronger and become more resilient is a key aim of our program and will be a strong focus in 2022,” Ms Sinclair said.
Applications are currently open, and will remain open until 30 September. They will be accepted across six funding areas: education and training, health and welfare, sport and recreation, arts and culture, and environment. An additional category is also available for projects that support the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Pacific Hydro is also seeking nominations from community members interested in being part of the Yaloak South Community Partnership Group (CPG) for 2022, with Expressions of Interest open throughout August and September.
Applicants don’t necessarily need to be based in the fund area, but must operate in and provide benefits to the area.
For more information on how to apply for a grant under the Yaloak South Community Fund or how to express your interest in the CPG, visit, and click ‘Yaloak South Community Fund’.