Putting artists on the ‘MAPP’

The two MAPP Up in Lights galleries at Ballan and Bacchus Marsh will soon feature some fantastic local art. Photo – Lachlan Ellis
Two new outdoor gallery spaces will soon be launched by Moorabool Shire Council, brightening up Ballan and Bacchus Marsh while also providing exposure for our local artists.
As part of the Moorabool Arts Pathways Program (MAPP), Council has created two ‘MAPP Up in Lights’ galleries – one at Ballan’s McLean Reserve and one at Bacchus Marsh’s Village Green – supporting artists to exhibit their works.
Though still a work in progress, when finished the Ballan gallery will feature five displays and the Bacchus Marsh gallery will feature nine, with the display boxes to be lit up at night.
Mayor Cr Rod Ward said the galleries would be ideal for visual artists, as the display boxes are two-sided, and are also perfect for 3D creatives and makers of small works.
“These two new exhibition opportunities will bring lasting benefit to our local communities and are an example of how Council is continuing to support local artists to share their talent and craft with us all,” Cr Ward said.
The MAPP Up in Lights galleries have been made possible through Part B of the State Government’s $40 million COVIDSafe Outdoor Activation Fund, which was provided to support industries that were severely impacted by pandemic restrictions.
The two galleries are semi-permanent and are expected to be in place for five years. Exhibited artists will be eligible for a stipend of $500 to cover costs associated with exhibiting.
For more information go to moorabool.vic.gov.au/MAPP.
To register interest in displaying your work in the MAPP Up in Lights galleries, email [email protected].