Quarry approved

March 9, 2022 BY

By Lachlan Ellis

A controversial application for a Coimadai sand quarry has been approved by Council after an 80-minute discussion, after amendments were made to put further conditions on the applicant.

Concrete producer Hanson Australia had its application considered at Council’s 3 March Ordinary Meeting, with eight objectors addressing concerns about dust, noise, and safety.

The application also received 67 objections.

Given the roads to be used by the quarry, including Seereys and Gisborne Roads, are owned by VicRoads, Council’s recommendations will come before VCAT, which must then approve the quarry’s construction.

The applicant has lodged an appeal to VCAT for failure to determine the application within the prescribed time.

The application also includes a requirement to complete a right turn lane and left turn lane, and upgrade the access at Gisborne Road, “to the satisfaction of and at no cost to VicRoads”, as well as a truck wheel-wash.

In a written submission, Coimadai resident James Ross argued that Council’s recommendations don’t go far enough, and drivers would be put at risk by the plans.

“I raise safety concerns for all road users and our community. Thank you for the recommendations you have already added to the permit. I believe the recommendations do not go far enough to address the impacts this permit will create,” Mr Ross said.

“The road size, escarpments, and intersection create a hazard and poor visibility for road users. The increase of heavy vehicles travelling south along Gisborne Road will hinder school traffic entering Bennetts Lane, and subsequently will cause a backup of northbound traffic.”

Mr Ross said in 2019, VicRoads representatives attended the area after concerns were raised by Coimadai Primary School representatives.

“VicRoads’ response was that they were appalled and concerned about a hazardous intersection, however, to date nothing has been done.”

Another objector, Troy Strang, raised concerns there could be a fatality on the roads.

“I’ve had a number of near misses on Gisborne Road, including one with my daughter in the car where I had to leave the road to avoid a head-on collision,” he told the Council meeting.

To read the full story – Simply click on the following link


in the 8 March 2022 edition
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