Rate the rating strategy…next year
By Lachlan Ellis
Rates are always a hot topic, and while Council’s power to change them is not absolute, it will seek community feedback next year.
Council is conducting a Rate Review to form part of the 2022/23 Revenue and Rating Plan, and as part of the review, it will consult with the community.
The Rate Strategy Review Community Engagement proposal was initially moved by Cr Edwards at Council’s 1 December Ordinary Meeting, then seconded by Cr Tatchell, and supported unanimously by Council.
However, Cr Tatchell lodged his intention to do a rescission motion later in the meeting, due to confusion from the meeting briefly running out of order, and his intention to present an alternate motion.
The motion before the Rate Strategy Review Community Engagement proposal was accidentally skipped, causing some confusion, and Cr Tatchell was unable to put forward his alternate motion.
To read the full story – Simply click on the following link
in the 14 December 2021 edition
pick up a paper around your town.