Red Cross members to mark milestone

August 6, 2024 BY
Ballan Red Cross Anniversary

For community: Ballan Red Cross chair Anne Eskdale, with vice-chair and historian Gail Binks, and secretary Mary Williams are inviting everyone to celebrate the group's anniversary, where an $800 handcrafted quilt will be the major prize in their fundraising raffle. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS

LATER this month, members of the Ballan Red Cross Branch will celebrate more than a century of community support at the very site where the group was established.

On Tuesday 20 August, the local group will acknowledge their 110th anniversary with a brunch at the Ballan Mechanics Institute.

Branch chair Anne Eskdale said everyone is invited.

“We’ll be providing brunch, and having stalls and raffles, as well as presenting some long service medals to members.

“We’d love for everyone to come and help support Red Cross while marking 110 years. There’s been so many wonderful people before us who’ve kept the flag flying.

“We’re not sure how long we’ll keep going as our numbers are getting smaller so this is a celebration for all those years.”

Currently with 14 members, the Ballan branch was established at the Mechanics Institute with the aim of providing knitwear for Allied soldiers during World War One.

“When you see the Red Cross symbol overseas in an emergency, our money is going towards those people that help in emergencies,” Ms Eskdale said.

“We’re also at the forefront with donating with local areas like bushfires, floods, all sorts of things.”


Gail Binks, Mary Williams and Anne Eskdale at the Ballan Mechanics’ Institute.


Dignitaries including state and federal, and Red Cross Victoria representatives, and Moorabool Shire mayor Cr Ally Munari will be among those attending.

Items such as homemade jams, knitwear and crafts courtesy of branch members will be available to purchase via a stall, with all proceeds to go towards the Red Cross initiative.

The local group was the second regional Victorian Red Cross branch to be established, behind Bendigo, which followed Melbourne on 13 August 1914.

“We’ll be walking in the footsteps of the women 110 years ago that met here on 20 August to establish this,” Ms Eskdale said.

“We mainly have street stalls nowadays so this will be our big fundraiser. We’re still trying to keep the flag flying for Red Cross.”

The brunch will take place from 11am. Entry is $20 and attendees are encouraged to RSVP for the event by next Saturday by calling 5368 1128.