Referendum recruits required
By Matt Romania
“Elections are a fundamental part of our democratic process in Australia,” said an official from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC),”and it offers an extraordinary opportunity for Moorabool citizens to actively participate.
2023 promises to be a defining year in Australian politics. The Federal Government is setting the stage for a pivotal referendum between September and December. With the date yet to be announced, the spotlight isn’t just on the referendum’s subject matter, but also on the massive recruitment drive. For those looking for temporary work towards the end of the year, there could be a referendum opportunity for you, so the AEC is encouraging expressions of interest.
It’s not just about voting; it’s also about delivering the vote. For this, the AEC has announced the availability of up to 100,000 employment opportunities spanning metro, regional, and remote areas – right across the country.
These jobs aren’t limited to the action on election day at polling booths. Early voting centres, outposted centres, and mobile polling will also require dedicated personnel. After the hustle and bustle of election day, there’s a need for meticulous individuals to count votes, manage election materials, and complete a slew of vital administrative tasks.
No prior election experiences? That’s no problem according to the AEC. They will “train, prepare, and support” all temporary recruits. The Commission said it is eager to welcome individuals from every background, including those from Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and culturally diverse origins.
According to the AEC, benefits of joining this democratic drive are numerous. Not only will workers be contributing to the bedrock of Australian society, but they’ll also earn between $25.54 and $48.29 an hour. On-the-job training ensures that every worker is adept and confident in their roles, with support provided throughout the referendum process.
So, what’s in store for those heeding the call? Paid work, short-term employment opportunities, invaluable work experience, and the unparalleled satisfaction of upholding democracy says the AEC: “Working at elections provides a unique opportunity to earn, learn, and be a part of something much larger than oneself.”