Register and stay in touch

Ballan Sgt Michael Kearnes with Moorabool Community Register volunteer Audrey Stanaway. Photo – Helen Tatchell
By Jessica Howard
While Moorabool residents continue to feel safe thanks to their local community register, some areas of the shire are still under-represented.
The Moorabool Community Register is a free service that provides at risk and remote-living residents with regular phone calls.
The program was established in 2010, however according to organisers, the number of people living in Ballan and Gordon that are registered to the service is still low.
Ballan Police Sergeant Michael Kearnes said the community register provided the elderly, sick and frail an opportunity to receive a weekly phone call in order for registered volunteers to check on their welfare.
“Volunteers make these calls and engage with our community members. They also provide advice and act as a conduit for services provided by council and other organisations to the community,” he said.
“It is about checking on their welfare and making their life easier through connecting clients to services and assistance of which they may be unaware”.
If registered, residents will be entered into a confidential computer database at the Police Station and will be issued with an identity card.
In the event of an emergency that occurs when a person is away from home, the identity card is to advice emergency persons that all personal details are held at the Bacchus Marsh Police Station.
The Moorabool Community Register is free of charge and anyone living within Moorabool Shire. For more information, contact 5366 4558.