Residents opposed to renaming Elaine reserve

Saddened: Elaine Recreation Reserve Community Asset Committee chair Diane Cook holds a photo of Ron Read. Photo: FILE
A PLAN to rename a popular Moorabool reserve has been largely opposed.
More than 80 per cent of public submissions received as part of a proposal to rename Elaine Recreation Reserve on the Midland Highway said its name should remain.
A community petition had previously called for the park to be renamed in honour of local man and dedicated volunteer Ron Read.
An officer’s report revealed the proposal received 322 public submissions, with 56 people supporting the change and 255 objectors. Councillors voted to accept the report but hold off a formal decision on the name making process until next month.
The majority of submissions were received by residents in communities around Elaine, Cargerie, Morrisons and Mount Doran.
A statement made on behalf of Elaine Recreation Reserve Community Asset Committee chair Diane Cook said the community petition’s organisers were “saddened” to learn of the opposition to their renaming efforts.
“The signed petition was forwarded to council two-and-a-half years ago after community support for honouring the late Ron Read,” she said.
Ms Cook also paid tribute to the late Mr Read’s extensive efforts to reinvigorate the reserve over many years.
“What you see at the Elaine Rec Reserve is mostly due to the timeless hardwork of Ron over three decades,” she said.
“No one can deny that Ron Read was the driving force, often behind the scenes, of achieving the end result in which the young and old of today have a picturesque, functional and updated facility.”
A counter submission by the Elaine Cricket Club – who are the primary user group – opposed the reserve’s renaming.
Cr Tom Sullivan posed the motion be deferred to allow for “conversations” with different parties in an attempt to find another solution or middle ground.
The matter will come back before Moorabool Shire council in August.