RSL BBQ to thank community

June 28, 2024 BY

In excess of 5000 residents attended these moving services, which are growing every year.

THE Bacchus Marsh RSL Sub-Branch wishes to give our sincere thanks to the community for their continued support during our recent Anzac Day Commemoration Services. We conducted not only a Dawn Service, but Services at Aged Care and sporting facilities the Coimadai War Memorial, and a presentation at Bacchus Marsh College.

In excess of 5000 residents attended these moving services, which are growing every year.

We also say a sincere thank you to our community for buying an Anzac token and the giving of donations. These funds go to supporting our current and ex-service members. This ongoing support is needed and greatly appreciated.

As a way of saying ‘Thank you’ we invite the community to a free BBQ on Saturday 29 June commencing at 10.30am to 2pm we also invite you to come into the RSL to join us for a cup of tea/coffee and view our memorabilia spanning over 100 years, service members will be there to answer any questions you may have. Come and see if you have a relative on one of our Service boards.

We also encourage you to consider becoming a member of the Bacchus Marsh RSL Sub-Branch. We have three tiers of membership, Service, Affiliate and Social. There will be someone available to explain the membership options and what we are able to offer to the community.

We look forward to seeing you all at the BBQ, even if only for a sausage and a quick chat! Once again, we say, Thank you!

Lest We Forget.

Kind regards,

Sheila Freeman JP RVAHJ
