Rubbish fire in truck
By Lachlan Ellis
A truck fire in Gordon has ended as well as a fire can – with no injuries, and no damage, after vehicles from four local brigades attended.
The CFA was alerted to the truck fire last Monday, with a CFA Media spokesperson telling the Moorabool News that rubbish in the truck was to blame.
“CFA was notified at 10:16 (am) on 31 January to reports of a truck fire on the Western Freeway at Gordon. It’s understood the driver managed to pull off the freeway and park the vehicle near the Gordan CFA Station,” the spokesperson said.
“The truck was moved to a VicRoads dump site. The rubbish was unloaded from the truck and an excavator was brought in to pull it all apart. The fire was extinguished, and the scene declared safe. There was no damage to the truck itself.
“The cause was contents within the rubbish, causing it to smoulder.”
Five CFA vehicles attended the scene from Ballan, Gordon, Millbrook, and Wallace brigades along with Victoria Police.
To read the full story – Simply click on the following link
in the 8 February 2022 edition
pick up a paper around your town.