She’s not apples

November 17, 2020 BY

UNDER THREAT – Nick Dellios from Dellios Apples, shows off some of his prized local apples that could be under threat if American apples are allowed to be imported into Australia. Photo – Lachlan Ellis

By Lachlan Ellis
(3rd Yr Deakin Uni)

A draft report from the Federal Department of Agriculture for allowing US fresh apples into Australia has concerned Aussie fruit growers.
The Department has published the draft online and is accepting feedback until January next year.
Local orchardist Nick Dellios from Dellios Apples in Bacchus Marsh, is concerned about the USA’s lower labour costs and American fruit subsidies, but he believes the biggest worry for local growers is the plethora of foreign pests and diseases US apples could bring.

Photo – Lachlan Ellis

To read the full story – Simply click on the following link and flip through to page number three (3).

in the 17 November 2020 edition
pick up a paper around your town.

