Shire supports transmission line inquiry

Bring it on: Moorabool Shire is in support of the Parliamentary Inquiry into the expansion of transmission lines across Victoria. Photo: FILE
EARLIER this month, a Parliamentary Inquiry into the expansion of transmission lines across Victoria was announced.
Before the local government went into caretaker mode ahead of the council election, Moorabool Shire councillors welcomed the inquiry plans.
“Council understands the inquiry will examine the transmission expansion as proposed by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), VicGrid and the Transmission Company Victoria (TCV), as well as the expansion of Victorian transmission connections associated with VicGrid’s proposed renewable energy zones,” a Moorabool Shire spokesperson said.
“The Inquiry will report by 19 December 2025 and its findings will be of particular interest to council, with Moorabool Shire proposed to accommodate 60 kilometres of the 190-kilometre high-voltage transmission line, Western Renewables Link (WRL).
“Terms of reference for the inquiry will cover a range of issues, including improvement of planning rules and processes, as well as investigating the feasibility of undergrounding, with reference to national and international experience.”
The spokesperson said Shire officers and immediate past councillors were supportive of the inquiry as it may amplify community voices which will be affected by the WRL.
“It shouldn’t be too late for the inquiry findings to be applied in the implementation of WRL and VicGrid’s proposed renewable energy zones,” said immediate past Moorabool Shire mayor Cr Ally Munari.
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