Sick of dumped rubbish? Have your say

Dumped and now removed rubbish along the Lerderderg River track in Bacchus Marsh. Photo – Brooke Joselin (Facebook)
Community members are invited to participate in a survey to share their views, concerns and priorities about litter and illegal dumping across the region.
Grampians Central West Waste & Resource Recovery Group is currently preparing a regional litter plan for the Grampians Central West region, which encompasses the Moorabool area.
The results of the survey will help in the development of a Regional Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan, which will include a range of actions to tackle the top-five identified priorities in the region.
“We have done a lot of work to identify a range of problematic areas across the region, including the Western Highway, wayside stops, parks and recreation areas and bushland,” said La Vergne Lehmann, Executive Officer, Grampians Central West W&RRG.
“But we also know that the community and community groups need to have a say in how we look to tackle the problem of litter and illegal dumping in the region.”
As for regular ‘hotspots’ for dumping in Moorabool, a spokesperson for Moorabool Shire Council said that “dumping appears opportunistic, so is scattered throughout Moorabool,” but regular dumping has been known to occur on the streets around Bacchus Marsh and Ballan transfer stations, around Bences Lane, Ballan and the Anthony’s Cutting area.
The results of the survey will be shared with stakeholders across the region as the regional plan is developed over the next two months.
The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete, is confidential and anonymous, and individual responses will be collated and analysed as group data.
The survey can be found at
Participants can also provide their email address (which is kept separate to the survey responses) to enter a draw to win one of four $50 gift cards.
People have until midnight on Monday 5 August to complete the online survey.
More information on the development of the Regional Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan can be found at
Funding to develop the regional plan is provided by the Victorian Government. The plan and action plan will be used to apply for external funding as it becomes available.