Skatespace grinds to halt

March 8, 2022 BY

By Helen Tatchell

A project timeline that commenced with a draft design and community consultation last December, and due to be completed in June this year, is up in the air and with it, close to $500,000.

The Gordon Public Park Improvements Plan is being delivered by Moorabool Shire Council, in partnership with the Parks Committee of Management and involves a new skate space and basketball practice court for the reserve.

Currently, the reserve is home to tennis courts, a conversation corner, meeting rooms, public toilets, playground, and soon to be built, bbq, seating and a solid roof structure.

The Gordon community took to social media after they got wind the project may lose the Federal funding to build the skate space and basketball court as the Committee of Management has not signed off on the application, which would then be signed off by DEWLP with Council then submitting the completed application to the Federal government. Money would then be handed over with contractors due to start this week however, that is now on hold.

Derek Madden CEO Council told the Moorabool News there is a very likely possibility the funds could be lost if the Gordon Public Park Committee of Management do not sign off.

“We are working with the two committee members at the moment with a meeting scheduled for early this week to achieve the adequate sign off. Council has received external funding for significant works at that park and have done extensive consultation to identify what was required.”

Mr Madden said the funding had to be utilised by the end of this financial year.

“This is not Council land, it is DELWP land and for Council to do any works on that land we need not just the permission from DELWP but from the committee that was appointed by them,” he said.

“The hold-up at this time is the liaison with the committee looking at the proposals. In our eyes the engagement has been done and has changed significantly during the consultation from what the community wanted to utilise that park for.

“Council was of the understanding everything was moving forward, and the works tendered. We are hoping to find a resolution this week so these works can then commence within two weeks.”

Dina Bowman is the Secretary and Treasurer of the Gordon Public Park Committee and said on social media they had expressed concerns to Council officers in relation to safety and drainage.

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in the 8 March 2022 edition
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