State backing new regional business events

Gather: The Regional Business Events Program supports regional conferences, trade exhibitions, seminars and meetings. Photo: FILE
THE State Government’s latest Regional Business Events Program grants round is open for applications, aiming to boost the prevalence of business events across the state.
The program supports regional conferences, trade exhibitions, seminars and meetings being led by national and international businesses, and is delivered by Business Events Victoria and the Melbourne Convention Bureau.
“Business events play a critical role in driving visitation to Victorian regions, and this funding will go a long way to further encourage and support these important business events for Victoria, strengthening business prospects across communities throughout the state,” Business Events Victoria general manager Chris Porter said.
Applications can be made for grants from the National Business Events Program and International Incentive Events Program streams.
For new business events, the former offers grants of up to $80 per delegate and up to a maximum of $40,000, while for new international incentive programs with an overnight regional stay, the latter offers up to $150 per delegate for food and drink, venue hire, transport and accommodation.
“This initiative presents a fantastic opportunity for more business events to take place in our regional communities, and for the many extraordinary providers across those regions to showcase everything they have to offer, driving economic growth in the state and strengthening connections both at a local level and on a global scale,” Melbourne Convention Bureau CEO Julia Swanson said.
The program comes under the Government’s $170 million Regional Tourism and Events Fund.
“We’re bringing more events to our regions, supporting event organisers to host one-of-a-kind experiences in some of Victoria’s most picturesque settings while boosting local jobs and businesses,” Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Steve Dimopoulos said.
The first event to be supported by late-2024 National Business Events Program funding will take place in Geelong next month.