Storm support for environment
In partnership with DELWP Grampians and Landcare Victoria, Moorabool Shire Council are offering storm impacted residents free Storm Recovery Habitat Kits.
These kits aim to support the local wildlife and vegetation to recover from the June 2021 storm.
Eligibility will be based on where you live and the impact the storm had on your area. There is a limited number of kits available and a council spokesperson said they want to make sure they are helping the area’s most in need.
“Many animals who rely on tree hollows lost their homes during the storm. These nest boxes will give them a safe place to live while the natural environment recovers.”
Moorabool’s Storm Recovery Team and Landcare will host a habitat and vegetation workshop in July where successful applicants will be able to pick up their kits.
And who is behind the building of these boxes?
“Thanks must go to the Ballan Men’s Shed and the Rotary Club of Bacchus Marsh for building the nest boxes from timber collected during the storm clean up. Also, to Rowsley Nursery for propagating the plants and saplings.
The kits come in various sizes depending on the size of a property, and will include:
– Up to 50 native plants
– Up to 10 tree samplings
– Up to 3 nest boxes
– A bee hotel
To find out more and apply go to Councils website and search, storm recover habitat kits.
To read the full story – Simply click on the following link
in the 24 May 2022 edition
pick up a paper around your town.