Structure plan to manage town centre growth

September 20, 2024 BY
Bacchus Marsh Town Center Plan

Planning ahead: The Bacchus Marsh town centre should be an attractive hub for people to shop, work, meet, relax and live, the new strategy says. Photo: FILE

THE Moorabool Shire council has adopted a new Bacchus Marsh Town Centre Structure Plan to guide planning and development in the precinct.

It was adopted unanimously and without debate at a special council meeting last week, and represents what an officers’ report described as “a shared vision” for the area.

It effectively replaces the Bacchus Marsh Activity Centre Structure Plan, which was adopted in 2011 and was implemented through a planning scheme amendment in 2016.

“Since that time Bacchus Marsh has undergone significant change…and faces new challenges,” the report said.

“The review and preparation of a new structure plan has been undertaken to communicate a refreshed long-term vision for Bacchus Marsh.

“The new structure plan needs to account for increases in population through new growth areas and changing trends and ensure that the town centre remains a focus for housing, retail, employment, transport, community services, leisure, open space and entertainment.”

It complements the council’s new retail strategy and will remain in effect for 15 years.

The main elements are guidelines for economic activity and land use, access and movement, public realm and landscape, and built form and heritage.

A draft plan attracted substantial comment when it went on public display for a month over July and August, with a project page on the shire website clocking up 1882 views while 44 surveys were completed and a further 14 written submissions lodged.

The report said feedback was generally supportive of key aspects, including the green link connecting Werribee River and Main Street, protecting heritage features and improving walking and cycling connections.

“Several of the submissions relate to matters which are unable to be controlled by the planning scheme, such as the types of retailers allowed to use shops,” the report said.

According to the report, changes made following consultation include a preferred four-storey height limit in commercial zoned areas and a site at 92-98 Main Street to be identified as potential future commercial land in the short to medium term.

“The Bacchus Marsh Town Centre Structure Plan builds on the best of the Bacchus Marsh town centre, establishing a framework for guiding land use and development…including unlocking key development sites and a civic precinct,” the report said.

“The town centre should become an attractive and vibrant hub where people shop, work, meet, relax and live.”