Students arrested in Singapore

Students from BMG have been caught allegedly stealing in Singapore whilst on a school trip. Photo – Lachlan Ellis
Five Bacchus Marsh Grammar students have been arrested, and seven questioned, during a netball trip in Singapore, with investigations into alleged theft ongoing.
Eighteen students from Bacchus Marsh Grammar were in Singapore for a regional netball competition, and it’s understood five were arrested on Sunday 13 November for allegedly stealing Victoria’s Secret and Crocs items.
On Tuesday 15 November the school issued a media statement, in which principal Andrew Neal expressed his hopes that the police investigations would conclude soon.
“The matter is being investigated by the Singapore Police. The Police have been firm, fair, and thorough and the school is appreciative of their professionalism. It is our hope that the police will have finalised their investigations of this matter by later in the week,” Mr Neal said.
“The girls are currently in the direct care of Bacchus Marsh Grammar school staff and we look forward to them returning with the group later in the week. The School would like to thank the Australian Embassy staff in Singapore for the support of our staff in Singapore and their ongoing assistance in this matter.”
It is alleged the girls spent more than ten hours behind bars in Singapore, before being allowed to return to their hotel.
At the time of printing, no further official updates have been provided by Bacchus Marsh Grammar.