Subdivision decision deferred
By Lachlan Ellis
An application for a four-lot subdivision will be addressed for a second time, at Council’s next Development Assessment Committee (DAC), with a recent decision deferred at the 20 April DAC.
Council planners recommended that Council refuse to grant a planning permit for the proposed subdivision at 6 Lyndhurst Street, Gordon, but Councillors voted to defer their decision to give the applicant more time.
Cr Moira Berry requested the deferral, which was seconded by Cr Paul Tatchell, but opposed by Cr Rod Ward.
“I believe the applicant hadn’t seen the content of the report and wasn’t aware of the details. He wasn’t aware of it being refused, or the grounds of why it was being refused either. He’d like a chance to speak to the item, that’s the reason for the deferral,” Cr Berry explained.
“I think it’s common that we do this, in the interest of the democratic process,” Cr Tatchell added.
Cr Ward argued that the applicant had been informed about Council’s intentions for his application.
“I just note that Council wrote to the applicant regarding the lack of sufficient justification for the proposed amendments, and the applicant chose not to respond,” he said.
Cr Berry said the applicant had contacted her and told her he “hadn’t seen the content of the report”.
Crs Ally Munari, Moira Berry and Paul Tatchell voted in favour of the deferral, while Cr Ward voted against, and Cr David Edwards abstained. Therefore, the deferral was approved, and the matter will be heard again at the next DAC on 18 May.
Cr Tom Sullivan declared a conflict of interest and left the room prior to the application being discussed, due to doing surveying work for the applicant. Deputy Mayor Cr Tonia Dudzik, officiated as the Chair.
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in the 26 April 2022 edition
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