Support from schools floods in

Students at Darley Primary School took part in a Crazy Hair Day to raise funds for Rochester Primary School. Photo – Submitted
By Lachlan Ellis
Seven local schools are raising funds for communities affected by the recent floods, with over $1,000 raised so far.
Bacchus Marsh, Coimadai, Balliang East, Darley, Myrniong, and Pentland Primary Schools along with Bacchus Marsh College, have joined forces to raise funds, each picking a corresponding school to donate to.
Darley Primary and Bacchus Marsh College are raising funds for the Rochester Primary and Secondary Schools respectively, with the College holding a fundraising barbeque at its polling booth last Saturday, and the Student Representative Council planning fundraising activities for this year and next year.
Coimadai and Balliang East Primary Schools have both raised money for Nanneella Primary School, with a sausage sizzle and casual clothes day.
Myrniong has adopted Echuca Primary School as the school it’s raising money for, while Pentland Primary is raising money for Kerang South on 9 December with a free dress day, ice cream day, sausage sizzle, guess the number of lollies in a jar, and competitions for prizes.
Bacchus Marsh Primary School is raising funds for Darraweit Guim students, who have been relocated to Wallan Primary School due to the flooding of nearby Deep Creek, with donations at the office, a portion of Paddy’s market profit, and a lunch time disco with a gold coin entry.
Darley Principal Fiona Kerton said the schools were eager to lend the flood affected school communities a hand, with donations going towards repairs, and perhaps ‘special days’ such as excursions, to give students some joy after a tough time.
“At Darley we’ve adopted Rochester Primary School. Those kids won’t be back into their school until at the earliest mid-next term 2023, and so the community is rallying behind them and getting money to support students in that school,” Ms Kerton told the Moorabool News.
“Students at Darley have also been writing cards and letters for the students in Rochester too. Our local schools are all doing something to get behind and look after those flooded school communities that are in need.”
Darley Primary has raised over $900 from donations at the office alone, with a Crazy Hair Day held on Friday 18 November, and a barbeque and bake sale at the Darley Primary polling booth added to the tally last Saturday.
To chip in and help school communities who have been impacted by this year’s floods, contact the participating school closest to you.