Tattoo fundraiser generates a buzz

May 13, 2022 BY

By Lachlan Ellis

A local tattoo parlour has broken its Good Friday Appeal fundraising target by thousands of dollars, with ideas already brewing for another fundraiser next year.

Disciples of Ink in Bacchus Marsh ran a ‘Flash Day Fundraiser’ on Good Friday, with small fine line designs for $50 and larger designs for $100 – with all proceeds going to the Good Friday Appeal.

In March, Disciples of Ink owner Kieran Tyrrell said he was hoping to raise “a minimum of $2,000” for kids in need.

Come Good Friday, Mr Tyrrell was blown away by the community support, and the money that was raised.

“It was crazy…we had more people turn out than we expected. We ended up raising $6,846. We didn’t finish tattooing until about 10 o’clock that night. It was a good day, it was flat out…we learned a lot of things for next time,” he told the Moorabool News.

“We were pretty stoked at the turnout. We looked out the front at around about 9.30am when we opened the doors, and there was probably 50 or 60 people out the front. Within half an hour, it was around the corner past the Commonwealth Bank.”

Mr Tyrrell hopes to run a bigger Flash Day Fundraiser for next year’s Good Friday Appeal, and “hopefully get other tattoo shops involved, and make it bigger and better”.

He gave his thanks to the community for getting behind the fundraiser, and local businesses for contributing to the day.

“Thanks to the Moorabool community, thanks to the Moorabool News for the discount in the paper…thanks also to The Butcher Club and The Village Deli, for putting in prizes for the raffle we ran,” Mr Tyrrell said.

With raffle tickets on sale for $2, first prize went to Emma, who won a $1200 tattoo session with Kieran or Josh, while second prize went to Jo, who won a meat tray and cheese platter worth $100, courtesy of The Butcher Club and The Village Deli.

For more information on Disciples of Ink and updates on any future events, visit their Facebook page, or Instagram @disciplesofinkaustralia.

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in the 10 May 2022 edition
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