Tea and swap at Neighbourhood House

Wonderful morning: The Darley Neighbourhood House & Learning Centre raised more than $100 for the Cancer Council last Wednesday. Photo: SUPPLIED
A LOCAL not-for-profit has combined fundraising for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, and a new program to give clothes a new home, into one big day.
The Darley Neighbourhood House & Learning Centre ran its own Biggest Morning Tea, as it has for many years, while also tying in its second Clothing Swap event on Wednesday 29 May.
Renee Knight from the Neighbourhood House said they were always grateful for people’s donations to the fantastic cause, and happy to be a part of the fundraiser.
“We take great pride in the opportunity to bring people together, as we love to do, to connect and reflect, but also raise money for the Cancer Council. They’re an incredible organisation,” Ms Knight said.
“It was a wonderful morning. We had 24 people there, and raised $136.10.
“Every little bit we raise is really important, and we’re very grateful for the generosity of everyone that came along.”
And as for the Clothing Swap, Ms Knight said it was a great initiative to both help out people on a budget, and stop clothes going to waste.
“The intention behind those is two things really; helping to address some of the pressures around cost of living, and also sustainability,” she said.
“We’ve done a lot of work in the past couple of years around trying to contribute to a more sustainable way of living in Bacchus Marsh.
“We know that fashion contributes quite significantly to landfill, so this is an opportunity to swap clothes rather than dispose of them and contribute to landfill.”
For more information on the Darley Neighbourhood House & Learning Centre visit their Facebook page or darleylearning.com.