Tertiary Access Payment
From 1 January each year, students can claim the Tertiary Access Payment, to help with the cost of moving from regional or remote areas for tertiary study.
This year, the eligibility criteria has been expanded to offer support to school leavers moving from inner regional areas.
Services Australia encourages school leavers pursuing further study or training straight after year 12 (or equivalent) to check their eligibility for the Tertiary Access Payment by submitting a claim now.
Students can claim this payment in addition to other financial support, like Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY. Students who aren’t eligible for other student payments may still be eligible for the Tertiary Access Payment.
How much can students get?
There are two rates of the Tertiary Access Payment available to eligible students.
– Students relocating from an inner regional area may be eligible for a one-off payment of $3,000.
– Students relocating from an outer regional or remote area may be eligible for a one-off payment of $5,000, made in 2 instalments:
– $3,000 during the first half of the year, and
– $2,000 in the second half of the year, as long as they’re still enrolled in full-time study.
Eligible students can only get this payment once and only in their first year of study. This payment is not taxable.
Who is eligible for the 2022 Tertiary Access Payment?
This payment is available to Australian residents from inner regional, outer regional or remote areas. Students can find out if their home address is in an eligible area using the Student Regional Area Search tool. Students must be moving away from home to study at a vocational educational and training (VET) provider, university or higher education provider.
From 1 January each year, students can claim the Tertiary Access Payment, to help with the cost of moving from regional or remote areas for tertiary study.
This year, the eligibility criteria has been expanded to offer support to school leavers moving from inner regional areas.
Services Australia encourages school leavers pursuing further study or training straight after year 12 (or equivalent) to check their eligibility for the Tertiary Access Payment by submitting a claim now.
Students can claim this payment in addition to other financial support, like Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY.
Students who aren’t eligible for other student payments may still be eligible for the
Tertiary Access Payment.
For more information on the support available to students leaving secondary school, visit www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/leaving-secondary-school
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