The background on the project
– The MBC proposal is to provide a ‘bespoke’ solution solely for the West Gate Tunnel.
– It would have a containment bay holding area, designed with barrier protection to keep soil and water separate from the environment, where soil will be stored while testing is complete.
– It would also have a protected containment area that can safely store PFAS contaminated soil in line with EPA Victoria requirements.
– Once tunnelling starts, excavators will take soil from the bins at the West Gate Tunnel Project site and place it into covered and sealed trucks to be safely transported to a disposal site – the MBC proposal is to handle soil from the tunnel excavation.
– Under the MBC proposal, every truck load of soil would be GPS tracked from loading at the West Gate Tunnel site through to unloading into a containment bay.
– Soil in each containment bay would then be tested in accordance with EPA requirements to determine its classification level then it would be transported to the appropriate containment area.
– An independent EPA environmental auditor will oversee the management of the entire process.
– Trucks would be managed in line with EPA requirements from the moment they leave the West Gate Tunnel Project site to MBC.
– To ensure there is no soil dropping onto the road, trucks would be fully covered and sealed – rumble strips and wheel washes would also be used to remove any soil from trucks before they leave the site – this won’t be done using any water collected from the spoil.
– Specialised drainage systems would be in place to collect any water that comes from the spoil into EPA-approved, lined ponds that aren’t connected to the groundwater system.
To read the full story (page – Simply click on the following link and scroll through the pages in 17 March 2020 edition
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