The next chapter for library plans
By Lachlan Ellis
Plans for the Ballan Library and Community Hub are undergoing a new round of community engagement, with a community drop-in session held last week and a survey underway.
Around a dozen people attended the information session on Wednesday 18 May, sharing ideas for the facility such as a community pantry, EV stations, and social space.
A survey is also up on Council’s Engagement Hub, asking questions such as what facilities you would use at the Ballan Library and Community Hub, how often you would visit, and what kinds of activities you’d like to see made available.
Council’s General Manager of Community Strengthening, Sally Jones, said Council wanted to offer a facility that “can grow with the community”.
“We’re not just designing it for today, we know growth is coming – in 25 years, it will be a very busy library,” Ms Jones said.
“Digital use has gone up, but book borrowing hasn’t dropped – the community is telling us they still want print books.”
The design process is underway, with a builder to be engaged in April 2023 with the facility planned to open in mid-2024.
The facility will be located at 127 Inglis Street, where the former Commonwealth Bank sits – that building will be demolished to make way for the Library and Community Hub.
Successful funding was received from State Government Growing Suburbs Fund ($3.5 million) and $1.5 million from the Living Libraries Infrastructure Program. Moorabool Council will be contributing $2 million for the Hub.
To view the survey for the Ballan Library and Community Hub, visit Feedback closes on 13 June.
Hard copy surveys are also available at the current Ballan Library based in the Mechanics Hall on Inglis Street.
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in the 24 May 2022 edition
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