They’re all part of the story
By Helen Tatchell
“Kindness is the greatest gift you can give someone,” and was one of the most important things her parents had taught her, Jacinta Guirguis told the 200-strong crowd in Ballan on Australia Day.
Ms Guirguis was declared Moorabool’s Young Citizen of the Year at a civic reception.
The university student is also a singer/songwriter and raises funds for a variety of charities each month by ‘charity busking’.
“I thank the community. Without you I cannot do what I do,” she said.
It was a day dedicated to volunteers, acknowledged for all the work they do. Mayor David Edwards described their work as priceless.
“It is a small part of the Australian culture; we all may take it for granted yet we sometimes pay little attention to it; and that is volunteering.
“You cannot put a figure on it,” he said.
“It is estimated in Moorabool 40-per cent of people give a minimum, a minimum of 15-hours a year in volunteer time. That is around 220,000 hours of volunteer time in Moorabool, in a year.
“You cannot put that into dollar terms, and what I want you to think about, is what if you didn’t have those volunteers?” Cr Edwards said.
“Australia Day, what better time to recognise our volunteers. It has its positives; engaging and active within a community; quite often it is a pathway for getting a job or training which helps people develop new skills.
“How would this community be without volunteers in our 61-towns and hamlets within Moorabool?”
Cr Edwards said nearly all the clubs and organisations are run by volunteers.
“Our recreation reserves look the way they do because of volunteers; our charity shops are full of volunteers, but as I head home there could be a tree down and guess what, here comes the SES, volunteers. Then I see the local fire brigade going out on a public holiday call out, again all volunteers. We have an enormous amount,” he said.
“Volunteers in a community, really build strong communities.”
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Cr Edwards presented another three awards and said he heard a common thread when he made phone calls to the successful recipients.
“I don’t do it for that,” he said.
Eleven certificates of Appreciation were handed to youth in the Young Citizen category with one in the Community Event category.
David Lambrick (SES) received the Mayor’s Award and said behind volunteers are families who allow them to do what they do best.
“Anyone who doesn’t volunteer, I suggest you give it a go.”
The Bacchus Marsh Flower & Garden show was declared Community Event of the Year with Anne Cadzow and Karen Mather saying they were thrilled to receive the award.
“This has been achieved from the hard work of our volunteer committee and the vision and drive from Joce Williams and Joc Taylor.
“It is now a valued event in itself.”
Over 40-years living in Bacchus Marsh and volunteering on numerous committees including the Bacchus Marsh Arts Council, the Men’s Shed and U3A, John Spain, a former Moorabool Councillor (2012-2016) received the Citizen of the Year award, saying he was humbled and honoured.
“I do dedicate this to the many hundreds of worthwhile and unpaid volunteers, who I have had the privilege of working alongside over many years, and they are the people that have taught me I think, to be a good citizen,” he said.
Speaking of citizens, Australia Day in Moorabool welcomed a record 55-new citizenship applications.
Member for Ballarat Catherine King congratulated all for making such an important decision.
“You are formalising your connection to this country.
“We live in a beautiful place, not only our landscape, but the people that live here,” she said.
Inaugural Australia Day Ambassador Simone Carson AM said the new citizens were taking part in a life changing event.
“You have made a choice freely.
“Australia Day is also an opportunity to say thank you. How fortunate we are. This land allows opportunity to all and is a day to reflect how we can give back and make this country better,” she said.
“We must deal with each other respectfully and with kindness.”
Photo – Helen Tatchell