Tractors to travel to parliament

February 9, 2022 BY

The Moorabool and Central Highlands Power Alliance is taking the fight to save their farms and communities to Spring Street.
The group is asking for supporters of ‘Stop AusNet’s Towers’, to join them on the steps of Parliament, to send a message to the State Government.
“Too many politicians won’t come to us, so let’s go to them and tell them to save our communities and farms,” a spokesperson said.
“Stop AusNet’s Towers supports renewable energy, supports action on climate change and supports the environment.”
The spokesperson said A GREEN generation solution requires a GREEN transmission solution.
“Using outdated, inferior and destructive overhead electricity transmission technology is NOT in Australia’s strategic national interest, nor cost-effective.”
The group say above ground transmission infrastructure is not a future proof solution and AusNet, AEMO and the government are green washing this project.
**Details will follow over the coming weeks including information on transport and buses.

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