Up and running

Member for Melton Steve McGhie (left) with BM SES Unit Controller Bill Robson (centre) and Mayor Paul Tatchell (right). Photo - Meg Kennedy
By Meg Kennedy
It was a project picked by the community; 12-months later, it is now a reality.
Member for Melton Steve McGhie, Moorabool Shire Mayor Paul Tatchell and representatives from the Bacchus Marsh Lions Club and SES officially opened the new SES storage shed and training space in Wittick street, Darley last Friday, 8 November.
The joint project between the Bacchus Marsh SES and Lions Club received more than 320 votes as part of the ‘Pick My Project’ State Government initiative last October.
As well as the construction of the new building, the $190,000 project included solar panel installations on the adjacent Scouts hall.
Bacchus Marsh Lions Club President Russ Hendry said the project “has been on the list of the Bacchus Marsh Lions Club for over two years and has involved many hundreds of volunteer hours by our members.”
“From concept to reality is really exciting and I thank all our members for their involvement in the project,” he said.
BM SES Unit Controller Bill Robson said the official opening was as “great occasion” and “a fantastic day to see [the shed’s] benefits in the community.”
With the facilities now open for business, its use will vary from a designated training space to storage.
The first official training session with St John of God Ambulance is set for this week.
“We’ve got a large amount of training space where we can cut up cars and that type of training, and plenty of space for some scenario-based training,” said Mr Robson.
The shed will also allow for easy access away from the busy Bacchus Marsh town centre, and SES members from outer suburbs, such as Darley, will be able to access the facilities.
Member for Melton Steve McGhie said “SES emergency services are the backbone of communities like Bacchus Marsh.”
“Bacchus Marsh and the wider Moorabool region is expanding, and this new storage and training facility will equip the SES with the capabilities to handle emergencies and save lives,” he said.