Valleria has strong family connection

March 6, 2022 BY

By Lachlan Ellis

A local man has shared an historical photo close to a century old, to mark 100 years since his father was born – with many descendants of the families pictured still living in Moorabool.

Patrick Flanagan shared a photo of four generations of his family – his father Aeneas Flanagan in the lap of Bridget Vallence (nee Green), the mother of Henry Vallence (Jr), who was father of Ellen Flanagan (nee Vallence), Aeneas’ mother.

“There are still many descendants of Henry (Snr) and Bridget in and around Bacchus Marsh. Moira Ross (nee Flanagan) a 1st cousin – is the principal at Coimadai Primary School,” Mr Flanagan told the Moorabool News.

“I have been tracing my family for some time now – and do have an extensive family tree. There was a Vallence reunion in the Marsh several years ago – and my research was used.”

The Valleria property which the photo was taken at no longer belongs to the Vallences, but can still be found at the top of the hill on Vallence Road, near the corner of Vallence Road North and Finn Court.

It was sold to a young family when Amy Vallence died in the early 1980s and renovated.

Mr Flanagan also shared his childhood memories of Valleria.

“There was a quarry across the road – next to which was the dairy.  My recollection is a little foggy as I did not live in the Marsh and was a child – but we did frequently visit Amy and her two brothers, Harry and Eddie, who were all younger siblings of my grandmother,” he said.

“As a child, I remember sitting in the kitchen visiting grand aunt Amy Vallence and counting the carriages on the train as it passed – whilst she cooked biscuits and/or scones on the stove – heated by wood gathered from the farm. I remember my mother asking her how she knew the oven was hot enough – and Amy replied, ‘I can feel it on my face’.

“There is a story that Grandma was celebrating her birthday in the front room of the house – when the news reports re the landing of Gallipoli came over the wireless.”

Aeneas Flanagan was born on 19 January 1922, and passed away on 20 August 2013. He had four children, including Patrick, with his wife Kathleen Carew.

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