Vandalised and out of tune

March 30, 2022 BY

The community piano had the top panel ripped off in a vandalism attack. Photo - Diana Warner

By Lachlan Ellis

A piano arranged by Moorabool Shire Council for free public use over summer has sadly been vandalised, with the culprit unknown.

Situated at the Eddie Toole Reserve, Bacchus Marsh, the piano is one of two set up by Council under the ‘Pop-Up Pianos’ project, with the other located at A.A. McLean Reserve Ballan.

Both pianos were sourced from the community, and were painted by local artists with beautiful, eye-catching designs.

However, photos of the pop-up piano at Eddie Toole Reserve were posted on social media on 19 March, showing a panel smashed off the piano.

A Council spokesperson said it was disappointing to see the piano vandalised, but it was due to be removed anyway.

“The piano was due to be decommissioned, as rain had made it unplayable. Our arts team has arranged for it to be removed,” Council’s spokesperson told the Moorabool News.

“The piece was always planned to be ephemeral for use over the summer months, or as long as it lasted. It lasted well, and was a shame it was vandalised but was due to be removed anyway.”

The pop-up pianos were set up last December, and are due to be removed at the end of March from both locations.

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in the 29 March 2022 edition
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