VCAT ruling disappoints

December 22, 2021 BY

The original plans for 101 Gisborne Road from the 2 June Ordinary Meeting of Council.

By Lachlan Ellis

Council’s rejection of a planning application in June has been overturned by VCAT, and Council remains concerned of the impact the development could have.

The original application was made at Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 2 June, with 75 dwellings planned on the corner of Gisborne Road and Clifton Drive, Bacchus Marsh.

Council’s planning department expressed its concerns over a variety of issues such as traffic, a narrow access point, parking, and noise impacts.

Council unanimously rejected the application, but after a three-day VCAT hearing in August, the development will now go ahead, with conditions.

On 14 December, Council issued a media release expressing its frustration.

“The applicant lodged an appeal for failure to make a determination, as Council officers were trying to secure an improved outcome for the site. After the applicant lodged the appeal, Council determined it would not support the application,” Council CEO Derek Madden explained.

“Council attended the hearing and had legal and planning experts representing Council… VCAT has made the decision to approve the application,” he said.

As a result of Council’s presence at the hearing, 18 per cent of the site was dedicated to Council for the Aqualink cycling/pedestrian network without cost (as opposed to the required 5 per cent under the Subdivision Act), and six dwellings were reduced, for a total of 69.

In addition, at least eight dwellings on the eastern boundary will be single storey as opposed to double storey, and sound acoustic treatment and landscaping will be improved on the original plans.

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in the 14 December 2021 edition
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