VFF rates election promises

November 26, 2022 BY

The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) has given its verdict on the promises made by major parties ahead of today’s state election, releasing its ‘State Election Scorecard’ this week.

The Scorecard rates the Labor Party and Coalition based on commitments sought by the VFF as part of its ‘Fair Go for Regional Vic’ campaign.

VFF President Emma Germano said she was disappointed the parties haven’t made more commitments for regional Victorians, in particular singling out road maintenance and repair as an issue the Labor Party has not addressed.

“Whilst both major parties have made significant commitments to regional health, there’s little in the way of significant funding and reform to other rural issues like roads, local government funding and farm biosecurity,” Ms Germano said.

“Labor has committed no funds to invest in regional road maintenance and repair. Last week I wrote to Premier Daniel Andrews calling on him to show that Labor are in touch with country communities by promising long-term funding certainty.

“Every pothole regional Victorians drive over on their way to the polling booths will be a reminder of just how neglected our roads are.”

Ms Germano encouraged all regional Victorians who haven’t voted yet to check the VFF’s scorecard, before making their decision.

You can view the VFF State Election Scorecard by heading to www.vff.org.au/campaign/fair-go-for-regional-vic, and scrolling down to ‘Download the Scorecard here’.