Volunteer grants for projects in Hawke

Federal Member for Hawke Sam Rae chats with volunteers in his electorate. Photo – supplied (Sam Rae office)
The community is strongest when it works together, and a new round of Volunteer Community Grants will support the hardworking volunteers of the electorate of Hawke.
Newly elected Federal Member for Hawke Sam Rae, announced the new round of Volunteer Community Grants this month, with a pool of $66,225 available for eligible not-for-profit community organisations in the Federal Electorate of Hawke.
Grants between $1,000 and $5,000 will be available to groups and organisations needing assistance to purchase small equipment, cover the cost of fuel or transport, or support training of volunteers.
Sam Rae and his community committee are now accepting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from eligible groups, with the closing date being Tuesday 20 September 2022.
“Volunteers are the backbone of our community. This grant is just one way to support our community volunteers to continue to do what they do so well,” Mr Rae said.
The Volunteer Grants aim to help community organisations support Australia’s volunteers in their efforts, help community organisations support the inclusion of vulnerable people through volunteering, and encourage, support, and increase participation in volunteering.
To ensure your group is eligible for a Volunteer Community Grant before applying, visit www.grants.gov.au.
Once you’re satisfied you meet the eligibility criteria, or if you have any further questions, you can email Sam Rae’s office at [email protected] for assistance, or to request an EOI form.