Water utility urges residents to be fire ready

Fire up: Greater Western Water staff are reminding customers water services aren't always reliable during a bushfire, so preparation ahead of the height of the season is key. Photos: FILE
WITH the region’s fire season underway, Greater Western Water officers are encouraging Moorabool locals to ensure they’ve prepared their properties for the risky period.
The water utility’s staff aim to best prepare the network for the hot, dry period but GWW general manager operations and delivery solutions, Jodie Hallam said during a bushfire, the provision of a reliable water supply isn’t guaranteed.
“During a bushfire, customers might encounter low water pressure, loss of water supply or decreased water quality,” she said.
“This can be caused by various factors, including heat and fire damage to our pipes and equipment, or high demand for water from firefighters. Customers should not rely on mains water to defend their properties.”
But Ms Hallam said it’s not just firefighting water that should be ready in case of an emergency. Homes and cars should have water stocked up that people and animals can stay hydrated.
“Bushfires happen quickly so it’s best to start planning and preparing now,” Ms Hallam said.
“If your water supply is impacted we’ll aim to let you know through text messages and website and social media updates. It’s important to register your mobile phone number with us to stay informed of any critical water supply notices.”

A statement from GWW said it’s important property owners or tennants know where their closest fire hydrant is, and that it’s accessible.
“If there’s a fire, it’s also essential for firefighters to have quick and easy access to water from the nearest fire hydrant,” the statement said.
“You can help by keeping grass and other vegetation under control around fire hydrants near your property.”
Visit gww.com.au/faults-works/maintenance-advice/prepare-bushfire-season and cfa.vic.gov.au/plan-prepare/before-and-during-a-fire for more information about how best to prepare.
During fire danger periods, it’s important people have access to more than one emergency information channel such as the VicEmergency app, local radio, and social media pages of local government and the CFA district.
The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted the summer of 2024 to 2025 will be one of the hottest ever recorded.
GWW serves customers across the Moorabool, Melton, Macedon Ranges, Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Hume, and Wyndham areas.