What’s your experience with a library?

March 23, 2022 BY

By Helen Tatchell

Do you use your local library?

If you answered yes to that question, there is a state-wide survey that would like you to share your experiences.

The survey is called ‘The Great Victorian Public Libraries Users Survey’ and asks 28 questions.

The survey is anonymous and is encouraging library users to share their experiences and ‘Have Your Say’ about library services and programs.

All Victorian public libraries, including the Lerderderg Library in Bacchus Marsh and the one in Ballan, are conducting a survey of library use.

“Your answers will help us to make library services better for you and your community,” a spokesperson for the survey said.

“Your opinions matter.”

Some of the questions ask what library you use, if you are a member and how do you access your library; by visiting in person, the mobile library or other options.

How often do you use your library and how do you travel there? Do you go by yourself, with friends or children?

What do people do at the library that they visit is another question in the survey.

Do you borrow books, dvds, download an e-book, or just read a magazine or newspaper?

How satisfied are you with the library services in Moorabool?

To participate in the survey type https://www.research.net/r/publiclibrarysurvey2022 into your choice of search engine or, a paper version is available at your local library.

To read the full story – Simply click on the following link


in the 22 March 2022 edition
pick up a paper around your town.