Woolpack Road Road option for Regional Roads
Dear Editor,
The Woolpack Road option for the Regional Roads proposed Bacchus Marsh Eastern Link requires more consideration.
Regional Roads Victoria (RRV) are hoping to have a final route (both north and south) presented to the public for review by early to mid-this year. I would like to see the Avenue of Honour/Woolpack road option considered at the same time (early to mid-this year).
According to RRV, an Avenue option works only in conjunction with the proposed Northern route which utilizes the current Darley interchange and Gisborne Rd and would require adjustment to the Eastern bound Bacchus Marsh Rd off-ramp being realigned to an Eastern bound on-ramp.
An Avenue of Honour option requires clarification of the Heritage Victoria ruling. The 2011 Avenue of Honour Heritage Council Permits Committee determination makes a supportive case for this difficult issue to be reconsidered. It appears that the Heritage Council rulings may not be the issue. The majority of the committee found that the VicRoads proposed roundabout would not damage the heritage and cultural value of the avenue. It was a political decision by the then Minister of Planning Matthew Guy to overturn a very considered recommendation by the Heritage Council committee majority.
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in the 25 January 2022 edition
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