Historic silverware revealed

Pride and joy: The 129-year-old trophy will soon be proudly displayed in the Ballan Cricket Club's rooms. Photo: LACHLAN ELLIS
ON A NIGHT where plenty of awards and silverware were presented, a local cricket club has showed off a historic trophy to its members for the first time.
More than a century old, the trophy was made out to “Mr J R Wootton” and donated by his great-grandson, Brad, in January.
It is a District Trophy won by the Ballan Cricket Club for season 1894-95, making it 129 years old.
The Woottons were invited to the Ballan Cricket Club’s presentation night to see it unveiled to members in-person for the first time, but were unfortunately unable to make it.
Nevertheless, president David Leach made sure to thank the family for donating the trophy, and the club’s historian and photographer Chris Thom for studying the history of it.
“This is probably the oldest bit of memorabilia the club has got, or even seen. A chap walked into the bar one day, and he said ‘I’ve got something in the car, do you want it? It’s a trophy, it’s just sitting in my shed gathering dust. It’s got your club’s name on it, the Ballan Cricket Club’,” Mr Leach said.
“Part of it was broken off and bent, but I said it’s beautiful, and the history of it was magnificent. So we paid to get it polished and cleaned.
“It’ll be displayed, it’ll be our pride and joy, and whatever we can put next to it, is our history.
“Chris decided there was more to this, he researched the cup and John Wootton, and found pages worth of history. That’ll be displayed with the trophy, it’s a fascinating history.”
A suitable cabinet to store the trophy in hasn’t yet been set up, but is on the club’s agenda.
Details on the presentation night’s award winners, including the induction of a new Life Member at the Ballan Cricket Club, will be featured in the April 5 edition.