Little athletes win gold

Success: Bacchus Marsh Little Athletics Centre members competed at the Whittlesea City Open last weekend. Photo: SUPPLIED
BACCHUS Marsh Little Athletics Centre members have returned from the Whittlesea City Open where the club won three gold, nine silver and one bronze medals despite warm conditions.
Committee member Linda Thompson said the club was proud of the efforts of all participants.
“This year we had really good representation and we had a lot of our junior athletes attend,” she said.
“They did exceptionally well because you’ll always find that those city centres tend to be pretty tough competition.”
The open day was held last weekend and the competition included little athletics members from around the state.
Ms Thompson said club open days provide a great opportunity for younger athletes to experience competition.
“Centres within the state can run their own open day which is open to all members,” she said.
“Especially with these junior athletes, it gives them a chance to compete against other athletes in the state that they probably don’t get the opportunity to compete against normally.
“The major competitions for regional and state championships they aren’t able to compete [at] until they reach the under nine age group.”
The next open day Bacchus Marsh Little Athletics Centre members will attend will be in Maryborough and Ms Thompson said the club is hoping for a big turnout.
“We’re hoping to get a large contingent of athletes because it’s more of a country open day with a lot of the country centres,” she said.
“It’s a little bit more of a relaxed atmosphere and our athletes do exceptionally well at that meet.”