‘Pumpt’ for ANZAC Day

Test for the titans: Team Pumpt are keen to perform well at CAPO ANZAC Day, and qualify for the Nationals in August. Photo: SUPPLIED
THREE months on from breaking five national records, a local powerlifting team is training hard for Victoria’s biggest competition next month.
Team Pumpt, who train at Anytime Fitness in Bacchus Marsh, earned seven 1st places and five national records among their Under 12s last December – and preparation is well underway for another competition.
At December’s event, Kingston Mudie deadlifted 75kg, Charlie Ray and Ari Koya deadlifted 80kg each, Scar Baum and Xavier Gordon-West deadlifted 55kg, Sienna McShane-Murphy deadlifted 95kg, and Izzy McShane-Murphy benchpressed 42.5 kg.
All seven took first place, with Ray, Koya, Gordon-West, and both McShane-Murphies also setting national records.
Robin Ray from Team Pumpt said the CAPO ANZAC Day competition would be an exciting test for the group, which is currently the biggest youth team in Australia.
“The kids are now preparing for the biggest competition of the year in Victoria, the CAPO ANZAC Day comp,” Ms Ray said.
“Powerlifting is a celebration of human potential, where ordinary individuals become extraordinary titans, rising to the challenge and leaving a legacy of strength and inspiration in their wake, and our team are these titans.”
The Nationals will take place in Sunshine Coast in August, with Ms Ray confident her team can perform well next month and qualify.
“For pre-teens, participating in powerlifting can have several benefits, such as improving strength, promoting healthy habits, and building self-confidence,” she said.
“It’s important that they have proper supervision from qualified coaches to ensure they are lifting safely and not putting themselves at risk of injury.
“It’s even more impressive to think that the kids that won and set records in December weigh no more than 60 kilos.”