Tigerland scores rewards

December 3, 2021 BY

By Lachlan Ellis

Over 150 football and netball clubs across the state will share in over $1 million thanks to the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), including one Moorabool club.

Springbank Football Netball Club has been allocated $6,000 under the TAC’s Club Rewards Program, to go towards “new registers for the canteen and merchandise shop to ease volunteer burden”.

The Club Rewards Program recognises grassroots clubs who have promoted road safety throughout the season, and will be a welcome support after the disruptions to the last two seasons.

Alana O’Neil is Secretary of the club and said the funding would help the club prepare for a big 2022 season.

“This will be extremely valuable for our volunteers, making their jobs on game days as hassle free as possible, as well as assist those that work behind the scenes with the ordering of stock and replenishments,” Ms O’Neil told the Moorabool News.

“We are so excited for 2022 across the board at Springbank, as I’m sure every club is, with the hope we have an uninterrupted season.”

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in the 30 November 2021 edition
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