Experts to explore kindness and compassion in public policy

Doctor and activist Dr Sue Wareham OAM will speak at This Stuff Matters on March 20. Photo: SUPPLIED
One of Australia’s most prominent peace campaigners, Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees AM, will join Dr Sue Wareham OAM, President of the Medical Association for Prevention of War.
Speaking on Beyond Cruel: Ensuring Kindness and Compassion in Public Policy, they will discuss how and why human rights, social justice, and respect should and could inform public policy and why they do not currently.
POL founder and director Dr Richard Hil said there was a case for political courage.
“With the federal election nearly upon us, it is time to reflect on the consequences of government measures that try to appear strong and tough or are designed simply to appease an angry electorate,” Hil said.
“It’s about arguing your case based on what you actually believe and the values you espouse.
“Kindness and compassion, based upon human rights and international humanitarian law, could more successfully and effectively guide policymaking in the future.
“In Australia, we like to think that government policies are formulated in citizens’ best interests and that such policies are based on rational, carefully thought-out decisions that will cause minimal harm.”
Hil said it was no surprise that government decisions could significantly harm those impacted.

“The Robodebt fiasco impacted hundreds of thousands of ordinary Australians. Our policies on immigration and asylum-seekers create untold damage.
“Consider too the plight of the Palestinians and the federal government’s refusal to name the Gaza horror as genocide.
“We can reflect too on the outcomes of continuing support for the fossil fuel industry and that wealth inequality is widening in Australia, with around three million people under the poverty line.
“Not all this can be sheeted home directly to the government, but the failure to act is as bad as deliberate legislative cruelty,” Hil said.
Dr Wareham has spoken and written widely on matters related to peace and disarmament, including the human, environmental, climate, economic and many other costs of warfare.
Professor Rees is the founder of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies in Sydney, the inaugural Director of the Sydney Peace Foundation, and a human rights activist in several countries, including Palestine.
Local jazz singer Antonia Breen will open the evening at 6.45 pm. Doors open at 5.30 pm, and food and drinks will be available from the M-Arts Café and Bar.
For information and tickets, visit