Heroine: The Cabaret
Heroine the Cabaret explores the truth of middle-aged life in songs and wry stories, including tricky topics of divorce, dementia, septuagenarian sex and the ordinary business of love itself.
Women can often hover over the threshold of whether to make the ‘leap’ or not. The Loveys members state that their mission is to ensure real-life heroines know they’re not alone and to liberate and inspire women of any age to follow their dreams and live their most creative lives.
“Menopause be damned,” the group said. “It’s never too late to live the rich and juicy life we all deserve.”
Banter and spontaneous humour are the stock in trade of the four women musicians. The Loveys comprise Belinda Eadsforth on ukulele and drums, Jennifer Parenteau on ukulele, bassist Pamela Freeman and Janet Swain on keyboard and bassoon.
The band began busking in front of the local supermarket and at local farmer’s markets in 2015. Now, with a loyal following across the region and beyond, The Loveys are celebrating their tenth anniversary in 2025.
The award-winning group is known for its elegance, sharp wit, gorgeous four-part harmonies and moments of hilarity. A folk festival favourite, it has delighted audiences at Woodford, Bellingen Winter Music Festival, Nanga and Nannup in WA, and the Blue Mountains Folk Festival, amongst many others.
To accept the call to celebrate the courage it takes to accept the heroine’s journey, visit drillhalltheatre.org.au/the-loveys-heroine