
It Takes Two

July 27, 2024 BY

For Jessica Millard and Marion Douglas the International day of Friendship is every day. Photo: SUPPLIED

Marion Douglas (67) and Jessica Millard (58) met in the wake of disaster and bonded over a love of art and gardening.

Marion – Artist/gardener/muso/fearless fashionista

I met Jess at a Pulp Fiction Bookshop event where she was looking frazzled and racing around with trays of sandwiches, just after the catastrophic floods of 2022. We met again a while later as I was wandering up the street in Murwillumbah. She appeared suddenly and we ended up drinking red wine by the fire pit in her back yard. After a few more chance meetings we ended up working together on a group exhibition. Now we’re great friends.

We have a special creative rapport and a mutual love of gardening. Co-creating a magical garden around my old traditional house has contributed to a very special friendship. Jess cooked food for me when I was suffering migraines. I have brought food to her in a crisis. We nurture each other through the day-to-day challenges that we all face as frail humans.

Jess is a deeply caring, emotional, bright light who I am so glad to have in my life. Our friendship is based around generosity, appreciation for each other’s talents and our mutual warm regard. And we laugh a lot.

Jessica-Vedic meditation teacher/furniture restorer Marion is the best of the best. She is loyal, kind, clever, witty, and sensitive to everyone. She is a rare gift that I feel so grateful to have in my life.

Working in her garden has been the most hilarious adventure that is ongoing and ever changing. The garden is vital to her world and the inspiration for her paintings. Marion takes me right into the details of nature and is always reflecting at the wonder of it.

I am relatively new to Murbah so to have made friends early on was a bonus. She is born and bred here and that helped me with learning local ways. I feel enriched and excited to be her friend. We respect each other’s perspectives, and we think differently about many things. We choose not to make those things a problem. We are there for each other.

Ultimately the shared experience we have as mothers with children from broken relationships has helped us understand and support each other. We connect through art and humour, and that’s the best fun ever.

Honesty, kindness, respect are our strongest values.

We have a deep trust which makes for a very uncomplicated relationship, because we treat each other in the very best of ways.

International Day of Friendship is next Tuesday, July 30. Find out more at un.org/en/observances/friendship-day