Community shaping the Tweed

The Tweed's stunning and diverse community benefits from residents input on the Your Say platform. Photo: SUPPLIED
THE Tweed Shire Council Your Say platform has heard from over 8,600 Tweed residents shaping the future of their community.
In 2024, the Council worked closely with residents to drive key projects and gather valuable feedback on important issues.
One initiative, the Youth Outdoor Recreation Action Plan, stood out, as local schools, events, and pop–up events resulted in great engagement and community participation.
The Tweed Coastal Creeks Flood Risk Management Study was enriched by extensive community involvement, with 97 online survey responses and 20 paper submissions. The feedback will shape how the Council will address future flooding in the region.
The Growth Management and Housing Strategy also drew significant input, with the community submitting their thoughts on the future of housing in the region.
The Affordable Housing Strategy was driven by input from residents and ultimately adopted by the Council. The strategy addresses the growing need for affordable housing, with only 2.9 per cent of homes in the Tweed currently meeting that need.
The Council is inviting Tweed residents to get involved in 2025 for opportunities to share their input on the community’s future.
To contribute ideas to make the Tweed a better place to live and work, sign up at