
Help Marine Rescue Ballina save lives on the water

December 21, 2024 BY

A RIVERSIDE party being held by Marine Rescue Ballina on Saturday will celebrate the festive season, but more importantly it will raise funds to buy a state-of-the-art rescue boat to help save lives.

The rescue service’s vessel BA30, used for blue water rescues in open seas, is 11 years old and will be replaced in mid-2025.

The organisation aims to raise upwards of $150,000 to contribute to the cost of a new vessel, with the remainder covered by the NSW Government to support the work of Marine Rescue NSW.

Marine Rescue Ballina’s coverage extends across 7700 square kilometres, from Point Danger in the north to Yamba in the south, plus the Richmond River from Ballina to Coraki.

Marine Rescue Ballina commander Sharon Clark said the North Coast operation was staffed 24/7, and it had been a busy year.

“Marine Rescue NSW has 3400 dedicated volunteers across the state,” she said.

“Marine Rescue Ballina conducted 73 search and rescue missions, responded to 37 emergencies, and brought 133 people safely back to shore.

“Radio operators kept watch over 2600 logged-on vessels, and managed 7800 radio calls.”

The service uses three vessels to conduct rescues – alongside the blue water vessel, a BA20 is used for river rescues and a jet boat for white water rescues.

Commander Clark said construction of the replacement vessel will begin in March, by Yamba Welding.

It will have improved ergonomics and equipment to make rescues quicker and safer.

The vessel will have upgraded features such as thermal imaging for night rescues and a hull better suited to crossing the notorious Ballina bar.

The Wharf River Club event is the service’s first major fundraiser for the vessel upgrade, and the service is looking to do more in the new year.

The December 21 event starts at 12.30pm, with Santa visiting Serpentine Beach before he boats over to Fawcett Street Wharf, where there will be live music by The Feramones, kicking off around 1.45pm.

The jet boat will put on a show, and marine rescue vessel BA30 will be on display for the public to learn about its role in saving lives and the plans for its replacement.

Volunteers will have collection buckets and Eftpos donation points on site.