
New business toolkits empower region’s female entrepreneurs

September 13, 2024 BY
Female Entrepreneur Toolkits

Natalie Hackl and her husband Matt purchased a neglected 45-acre finger lime farm in 2018, not knowing that their farming venture would lead them to the beauty industry. Photo: SUPPLIED

A NEW plant-based skincare range crafted from finger lime extract is putting Ballina on the map, but for the duo behind Bush Harvest Co, it wasn’t a typical business success story.

Natalie Hackl and her husband Matt purchased a neglected 45-acre finger lime farm in 2018, not knowing that their farming venture would lead them to the beauty industry.

They worked relentlessly to revive the orchards in Northern Rivers, aiming to sell the fruit. But, as Hackl puts it, “Anyone who has worked with finger limes knows what we’re talking about when we say they’re a ‘prick’ of a tree to work with.”

Despite the challenges, Hackl’s close contact with the fruit sparked an idea.

Through research, she discovered the powerful skincare benefits of finger lime, inspiring her to create her own range of products.

As the business evolved, Hackl turned to free resources, including those offered by the Enterprising ME program, to navigate the world of business.

“There is a tonne of free information out there to help you with all facets of starting your own business,” she said.

“I find podcasts particularly beneficial because they provide bite-sized pieces of information and inspiration from other founders’ success stories, and you can multitask while listening.”

Enterprising ME recently launched a series of toolkits designed to help women like Hackl navigate the world of business.

Created by ten female entrepreneurs, these downloadable toolkits cover essential topics such as marketing, legal issues, finance management, raising capital, and protecting intellectual property.

Bush Harvest Co’s farm-to-bottle approach ensures all products are made from locally grown, ethically cultivated ingredients. Photo: SUPPLIED


Contributors include children’s performer and business mentor Tina Harris, marketing expert Anaita Sarkar, solicitor Davina Borrow-Jones, Legalite founder Marianne Marchesi, and storytelling coach Odette Barry.

For Hackl, the toolkits provided crucial insights.

“The toolkits about brand strategy, building a marketing plan, and PR gave me the boost to get cracking on our marketing plan,” she said.

Managing finances was another key area where Hackl found the resources valuable.

“Navigating the financial side of the business can be challenging, and while we have a great accountant, it’s important to understand your own finances,” she explained.

Bush Harvest Co’s farm-to-bottle approach ensures all products are made from locally grown, ethically cultivated ingredients.

The range, made in Ballina, includes three signature products: Finger Lime Face Lift, Finger Lime Refresh, and a Facial Cleansing Cloth.

The Enterprising ME program, funded by the Australian Government’s Women’s Leadership and Development Program and developed in partnership with the Council of Small Business Australia, also offers six virtual workshops to complement the toolkits and provide hands-on guidance for budding female entrepreneurs.

The toolkits, along with workshop details, are available at enterprisingme.com.au